ECF マイクロアクチュエータ
粒子分散系 ERFバルブ

Suspension-type ERF Valves and the Motion Control Systems


ER fluids change their apparent viscosity according to an applied electric field. First, pressure control valve is proposed and one-link manipulator is driven by the valve. Secondly, using suspension-type ER fluid, METERA (Movable Electrode ERF Actuator) is proposed and fabricated linear-METERA and rotary METERA. In addition, a Fiber -planted ER Valve is proposed and fabricated by Making Use of an Increase in Viscosity of Dielectric Fluids Caused by an Electrode Planted with Hair-like Short Fibers.

A fiber -planted ER valve
Research Activities
(1) Shinichi YOKOTA, Yutaka KONDOH Kazuhiro YOSHIDA, Kazuya EDAMURA: A Fluid Control Valve making Use of Electro-Rheological Fluid, Proc. The Fourth SIPFC, Tampere, Finland, Vol.2, pp.830/841, (1995)
(2) Yutaka KONDOH, Shinichi YOKOTA, Kazuhiro YOSHIDA: A Mini Valve in Application of Electro-rheological Fluids, Proc. of IFAC San Francisco, June , Vol.A , pp.493/498, (1996)
(3) Shinichi YOKOTA, Yutaka KONDOH, Kazuhiro YOSHIDA: A Pressure Control Valve in Application of an Electro-rheological Fluid(Application to Drive a One-link Manipulator), Proc. of Ninth Bath Fluid Power Workshop, Sept , pp.1/14, (1996)
(4) Yutaka KONDOH, Shinichi YOKOTA, Kazuhiro YOSHIDA : A Control Valve by Making Use of an Electro-Rheological Fluid (Fundamental Characteristics and Application to a Pressure Control Valve), Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control ('97 ICFP), Hangzhou, pp.71/76, (1997)
(5) Yutaka KONDOH and Shinichi YOKOTA: Actuators Making Use of Electro-Rheological Fluids (A Small-sized Linear ER Actuator); Proc. of ICAM'98, August Okayama, Vol.1, pp.639/643, (1998)
(6) Yutaka KONDOH, Shinichi YOKOTA: Movable Electrode-type ER Actuator (Proposal of Linear-type and Rotary-type METERA), 4th ER-MR Conference, Hawaii (1999)
(7) Yutaka KONDOH, Shinichi YOKOTA: Movable Electrode-type ER Actuator (Proposal of Linear-type and Rotary-type METERA), Proc. of IROS'99, Kyongjyu, pp.1757/1761, (1999)
(8) Yutaka KONDOH, Shinichi YOKOTA: Actuators Making Use of Electrorheological Fluids:Movable Electrode-type ER Actuators, the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol.10, No.9, pp.718/722, (2000)
(9) Yutaka KONDOH, Shinichi YOKOTA: Applications of ER Fluids to Fluid Power Systems (Proposition of Micro ER Valves and Novel Hydraulic Actuators : METERA), Actuator 2000, Proc. of 7th International Conference on New Actuators, pp.131/134, Bremen, (2000)
(10) Shinichi YOKOTA,Yutaka KONDOH, Kokichi ISHIHARA, Yasufumi OTSUBO, Kazuya EDAMURA: A Fluid Control Valve by Making Use of an Increase in Viscosity of Dielectric Fluids Caused by an Electrode Planted with Hair-like Short Fibers (Proposition of a Fiber -planted ER Valve), JSME International Journal, Vol.46, No.4, Series C, pp.1538/1546, (2003)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory