
For advance microrobots that perform power-needed tasks in narrow spaces, we have been developing advanced MEMS/micro systems. A fluid power drive has a potential to realize an advanced powerful component for the microrobots. In addition, functional or smart fluids such as ERF (electro-rheological fluid), MRF (magneto-rheological fluid), magnetic fluid, ECF (electro-conjugate fluid), etc. are advanced materials that can realize simple and miniaturizable control components. We have been developing microactuators, microvalves, micropumps, and microrobots by using advanced and MEMS technologies.

An actuator that moves an object using fluidic pressure like a cylinder is called as a fluid power actuator. A hydraulic cylinder that is one of the fluid power actuators are utilized in construction machinery using high power. We have analyzed maximum output energy density of several kinds of actuators theoretically and found that the fluid power actuators are promising.

The functional or smart fluids show the inherent functions when external stimuli are applied. ERF (electro-rheological fluid) / MRF (magneto-rheological fluid) increases its apparent viscosity when subjected to electric field / magnetic field. Magnetic fluid or ferrofluid is pulled by magnetic field. ECF (electro-conjugate fluid) generates jet flows when subjected to inhomogeneous electric field. By using functional fluids, advanced hydraulic microactuators and advanced microrobots will be realized.

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FERV AC ER microsystem FI micropump ACEO micropump


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory