
Hydraulics driven Manipulators

Serial 6-links Hydraulic manipulator for active power line maintenance
Paralell 6-links Hydraulic manipulator (motion base)

Manipulators driven by fluid power are well used where both of high-power and fast-response are required. There are two types, serial and paralell.To extend the high performance of fluid power driven manipulators, it is dispensable to apply Robust control shemes.

More details:
Serial Manipulators
Paralell Manipulators
Research Activities
(1) Shinichi YOKOTA, Takehiro KOMATU : A Study on a Flexible Hydraulic Actuator for Extreme Environment Manipulators, Proc. of 5th Bath International Fluid Power workshop, Bath, U.K., Vol.2, pp.85/99, (1992)
(2) Shinichi YOKOTA, Takehiro KOMATU : A Study on Control of Flexible Hydraulic Actuators for Extreme Environment Manipulators ; Proc. of 12th IFAC Conference, Sydney, Australia, Vol.4, pp.507/512, (1993)
(3) Shinichi YOKOTA, Takehiro KOMATSU : A Study on a Flexible Hydraulic Actuator for Space Manipulators, JSME International Journal, Vol.37 (Ser.C), No.1, March, pp.179/184, (1994)
(4) Toshiroh YAMAMOTO, Shinichi YOKOTA, Yasushi TAMURA : Robust Trajectory Control Using Disturbance Observer of Hydraulic Manipulator for Live-line Maintenance, Proc. The Fourth SIPFC, Tampere, Finland, Vol.1, pp.241/249, (1995)
(5) Yutaka TANAKA, Shinichi YOKOTA, Seiichi ITODA: Robust Control of Pneumatic Cylinder In Positioning System, Fourth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision(ICARCV'96), Vol.2, Singapole, pp.1413/1417, (1996)
(6) Toshirou YAMAMOTO, Shinichi YOKOTA, Yasushi TAMURA: The Robust Trajectory Control Using Disturbance Observer of a 6-link Hydraulic Manipulator, Proc. of Third JHPS Intl. Symp. on Fluid Power Yokohama '96, pp.195/200, (1996)
(7) Shinichi YOKOTA, Kyongkwan AHN, Tomohiko OZEKI, Toshirou YAMAMOTO: Compliance Control of a 6-Link Electro-hydrulic Manipulator, Proc. of Second Asian Control Conference, Seoul, Vol.2, pp.703/706, (1997)
(8) Kyongkwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA and Toshirou YAMAMOTO: Application of an Impedance-force Control to a Six-Link Electro-hydrulic Manipulator; Proc. of Bath Workshpo on Power Transmission and Motion Control(PTMC'98), September 9-11 Bath, pp.111/121(1998)
(9) Kyongkwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA, Toshirou YAMAMOTO:On Robust Impedance-Force-Control to a 6-Link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulator With Dynamic Environment, Proc. of 14th World Congress of IFAC, Beijin, Vol.G, pp.73/78, (1999)
(10) Noriyuki TSUKAMOTO, Shinichi YOKOTA : Two-degree-of-freedom Control with Parallel Feedforward Compensators (The Effects on the Control of a six-link Electro-Hydrauic Serial Manipulator), Proc. of the Fifth JFPS Intl. Sympo. on Fluid Power Nara, Japan, Vol.2, pp.597/602, (2002)
(11) Kyoungkwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA: Robust Force Control of a 6-Link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulator, JSME International Journal, Vol.46, No.3, Series C, pp.1091/1099, (2003)
(12) Kyoung kwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA: Application of Discrete Event Control to the Insertion Task of Electric Line using 6-Link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulators with Dual Arm, JSME International Journal, Vol.46, No.1, Series C, pp.223/229, (2003)
(13) Kyoung Kwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA: Design of a Robust Force Control System for an Automatic Live-line Maintenance Robot Using a Force Disturbance Observer: Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, Vol.218, Part I, pp.545/556, (2004)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory