
Hydraulics driven Manipulators

Electro-Hydraulic 6-link manupulator for active power line maintenance
One link manipulator driven by ERF mini valve

Electro-Hydraulic manipulator with hydraulic actuators has many nonlinear elements, and its parameter fluctuations are greater than those of an electrically driven manipulator. So it is quite difficult to obtain good robust control performance. We propose and investigate a Robust control method for Elctro-Hydraulic manipulator with hydraulic actuators.

6-link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulator
Two-link Hydraulic Manipulator driven by MRF valves
Research Activities
(1) Shinichi YOKOTA, Takehiro KOMATU : A Study on a Flexible Hydraulic Actuator for Extreme Environment Manipulators, Proc. of 5th Bath International Fluid Power workshop, Bath, U.K., Vol.2, pp.85/99, (1992)
(2) Shinichi YOKOTA, Takehiro KOMATU : A Study on Control of Flexible Hydraulic Actuators for Extreme Environment Manipulators ; Proc. of 12th IFAC Conference, Sydney, Australia, Vol.4, pp.507/512, (1993)
(3) Shinichi YOKOTA, Takehiro KOMATSU : A Study on a Flexible Hydraulic Actuator for Space Manipulators, JSME International Journal, Vol.37 (Ser.C), No.1, March, pp.179/184, (1994)
(4) Toshiroh YAMAMOTO, Shinichi YOKOTA, Yasushi TAMURA : Robust Trajectory Control Using Disturbance Observer of Hydraulic Manipulator for Live-line Maintenance, Proc. The Fourth SIPFC, Tampere, Finland, Vol.1, pp.241/249, (1995)
(5) Yutaka TANAKA, Shinichi YOKOTA, Seiichi ITODA: Robust Control of Pneumatic Cylinder In Positioning System, Fourth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision(ICARCV'96), Vol.2, Singapole, pp.1413/1417, (1996)
(6) Toshirou YAMAMOTO, Shinichi YOKOTA, Yasushi TAMURA: The Robust Trajectory Control Using Disturbance Observer of a 6-link Hydraulic Manipulator, Proc. of Third JHPS Intl. Symp. on Fluid Power Yokohama '96., pp.195/200, (1996)
(7) Shinichi YOKOTA, Kyongkwan AHN, Tomohiko OZEKI, Toshirou YAMAMOTO: Compliance Control of a 6-Link Electro-hydrulic Manipulator, Proc. of Second Asian Control Conference, Seoul, Vol.?, pp.703/706, (1997)
(8) Kyongkwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA and Toshirou YAMAMOTO: Application of an Impedance-force Control to a Six-Link Electro-hydrulic Manipulator; Proc. of Bath Workshop on Power Transmission and Motion Control(PTMC'98), September 9-11 Bath, pp.111/121(1998)
(9) Kyongkwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA, Toshirou YAMAMOTO:On Robust Impedance-Force-Control to a 6-Link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulator With Dynamic Environment, Proc. of 14th World Congress of IFAC, Beijin, Vol.G, pp.73/78, (1999)
(10) Noriyuki TSUKAMOTO, Shinichi YOKOTA : Two-degree-of-freedom Control with Parallel Feedforward Compensators (The Effects on the Control of a six-link Electro-Hydrauic Serial Manipulator), Proc. of the Fifth JFPS Intl. Sympo. on Fluid Power Nara, Japan, Vol.2, pp.597/602, (2002)
(11) Kyoungkwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA: Robust Force Control of a 6-Link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulator, JSME International Journal, Vol.46, No.3, Series C, pp.1091/1099, (2003)
(12) Kyoung kwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA: Application of Discrete Event Control to the Insertion Task of Electric Line using 6-Link Electro-Hydraulic Manipulators with Dual Arm, JSME International Journal, Vol.46, No.1, Series C, pp.223/229, (2003)
(13) Kyoung Kwan AHN, Shinichi YOKOTA: Design of a Robust Force Control System for an Automatic Live-line Maintenance Robot Using a Force Disturbance Observer: Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, Vol.218, Part I, pp.545/556, (2004)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory