
Vision Sensors, Flow Sensors and ECF Gyro sensor

Unsteady flow sensor

Sensors for unsteady flowrate measurement are developed. One is using Disk Drag force, which is calibrated by pipeline dynamics.
In addition, a real time stereo motion vision sensor for serial manipulators is proposed and developed.

Recently, we are interested in ECF-jet applying to gyro sensors.

There are two methods. One is using a gyro-motor. The other is flat plate type rate sensor like a gas rate sensor.

Unsteady flow sensor and the flow system
Real time stereo motion Vision sensor
Concept of Gas-rate sensor-type ECF Gyro
Apparatus of the sensing system
Concept of Gyro-motor-type ECF Gyro
Apparatus Sensing Principle the sensing system
Research Activities
(1) Shinichi YOKOTA, Kazuo NAKANO : On extending the intelligent potential of a cylindrical choke type instantaneous flow-meter , 2nd International Conference on Flow measurement, London, England, pp.9/11, (1988)
(2) Kazuo NAKANO, Shinichi YOKOTA : Unsteady Flow-rate sensor by making use of dynamic characteristics of cylindrical chokes, IMEKO Congress XI, Houston, USA, Vol.Sensors, pp.39/46, (1988)
(3) Shinichi YOKOTA, Do-Tae KIM, Kazo NAKANO:An Approach For Remote Measurement of Instantaneous Fowrate by Making Use of Hydraulic Pipeline Dynamics ; '89 Korean Automatic Control Conference, Seoul, [2], pp749〜754, (1989)
(4) Shinici YOKOTA Kazuo NAKANO:Dynamic Characteristics between Pressure and Flowrate of a Cylindrical Chokes in Series ; 1-st JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Tokyo, pp439〜446, (1989)
(5) Shinichi YOKOTA, Do-Tae KIM, Kazuo NAKANO:An Approach for Remote Measurement of Instantaneous Flowrate by Making Use of Hydraulic Pipeline Dynamics ; The Second KSME-JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, Seoul, [2], p370〜375, (1990)
(6) Shinichi YOKOTA, DT. KIM, Kazuo NAKANO : An Investigation of The Dynamic Errors of The Remote-Instantaneous Flow Rate Measurement due to The Parameter Changes, '91 Korean Automatic Control Conference, Seoul, pp.1712/1717, (1991)
(7) Shinichi YOKOTA, DT. KIM, Kazuo NAKANO : An Approach for Unsteady Flowrate Measurement Utilizing Dynamic Characteristics Between Pressure and Flowrate Alongthe Pipeline, The 3rd FLUCOME Conference, San-Francisco, pp.55/60, (1991)
(8) Shinichi YOKOTA, DT. KIM, Kenji SUZUKI : An Approach to Extend the Potential of the Remote Measurement Method of Unsteady Flowrate Using Pipeline Dynamics (On an Interpolation Method), Proc. of KACC'92, Seoul, Korea, pp235〜239, (1992)
(9) Shinichi YOKOTA, DT. KIM, Kazuo NAKANO : An Unsteady Flow Rate Measurement Method Utilizing Dynamic Characteristics Between Pressure and Flow Rate along a Pipeline (A Method Using Pressures at Two Separated Points) , JSME International Journal Vol.35 (Ser.C), No.4, pp,591/597, (1992)
(10) Shinichi YOKOTA, Kenji SUZUKI : An Approach to Extend the Potential of the Remote Measurement Method of Unsteady Flowrate Using Pipeline Dynamics (On an Extrapolation Method) ; Proc. of Hangzhou 3rd Intl. Conf. '93, Hangzhou, China, pp183〜189 (1993)
(11) Do-Tae KIM, Shinichi YOKOTA : The Dynamic Characteristics of a Turbine Meter Using An Unsteady Flow Rate Measurement Method ; Proc. of KACC, Seoul, Korea, pp60/65, (1994)
(12) Shinichi YOKOTA, Kenji SUZUKI, Do-Tae KIM : An Approach to Extend the Potential of the Remote Measurement Method of Unsteady Flowrate Using Pipeline Dynamics, JSME International Journal, Vol.38 (Ser.C), No.3, pp478/485, (1995)
(13) Shinichi YOKOTA, Woo-Churl SON, Do-Tae KIM: Unsteady Flow Measurement by Using Drag-Plate-Type Drag Force Flowmeter, Proc. of FLOMEKO'96, Beijin, pp661/666, (1996)
(14) Kazuhiro YOSHIDA, Shinichi YOKOTA, Isao WATABE: A Real-Time Motion Stereo Vision Based on Brightness Difference,, Proc. of IROS'99, Kyongjyu, pp.77/82, (1999)
(15) S. Yokota. R. Nishizawa, K. Takemura, K. Edamura: A Micro Gyroscope using Electro-conjugate Fluid, Prc. of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), Florida, pp.4321/4323, (2006)
(16) S.Yokota, R.Nishizawa, K.Takemura, K.Edamura: A Micro Gyroscope using Electro-conjugate Fluid (ECF), the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.18, No.2, pp.114/120, (2006)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory