ECF マイクロモータ
ECF マイクロモータ

Micro-Gyro-motors using Electro-conjugate Fluids (ECF)

Photo copy of fabricated 3mm gyro-motor
ECF-jets are produced between rod-type electrodes by applying high voltages and rotor is floating and rotating due to the jets.

Micro-Gyro-motors without rotating shafts using Electro-conjugate Fluids (ECF) are proposed and developed. The ECF is a kind of dielectric fluids and produces jet flow from rod-type or needle-type electrodes in an applied static electric field. The ECF allows direct converting electrical energy to mechanical energy. The proposed micromotors have simple structure, very light-weight and are driven by a direct-current electric power supply.

Research Activities
(1) S. Yokota. R. Nishizawa, K. Takemura, K. Edamura : Development of a Micro Gyroscope using Electro-conjugate Fluid, Proc. of the ICMT2005, Malaysia, CDRom.No.ICMT-93, Dec. (2005)
(2) S.Yokota, R.Nishizawa, K.Takemura, K.Edamura: A Micro Gyroscope using Electro-conjugate Fluid (ECF), the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.18, No.2, pp.114/120, (2006)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory