ECF マイクロモータ
ECF マイクロモータ

Disk-Plate-type Micromotors using ECF

Configuration of DP RE ECF motor

DP-type Micromotors using Electro-conjugate Fluids (ECF) are proposed and developed. ECF-jet is much suitable for thin plate type motor with very thin clearances as a channel through the jets. It is ascertained that a higher power micro motor can be obtained by making it much thinner in the inner height and integrated more layers in it. Recently, a high-integrated eight-layered ID 9mm DP-RE-ECF micro motor and ID5mm Micromotor are proposed and fabricated as shown below.

Photo copy of the DP-RE-type micro motor
DP-RE ECF motor with 0.2mm Rotor
Structure of the Rotor
4layer-5mmD ECF Motor
8layer-5mmD ECF Motor
Research Activities
(1) Shinichi Yokota, Kiyomi Kawamura, K.Takemura, K.Edamura: High-Integration Micro Motor Using Electro-Conjugate Fluid (ECF), the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.17, No.2, pp.142/148, (2005)
(2) Kenjiro Takemura, Hiroto Kozuki, Kazuya Edamura, and Shinichi Yokota: A Micromotor using Electro-conjugate Fluid- Improvement of motor performance by using saw toothed electrode series -, the Journal of Sensors and Actuators, A, Vol.-, No., pp./, In Press (2007)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory