ECF マイクロアクチュエータ

Tube-type MicroActuators using ECF

ECF-jets are produced between rod-type electrodes by applying high voltages

Tube-type Micro actuators using Electro-conjugate Fluids (ECF) are proposed and developed. The ECFjet from an electrodes pair unit is converted to Pressure in a flexible tube. The tube-type micro actuators is deformed due to the inner pressure change. the actuator has simple structure, very light-weight and are driven by a direct-current electric power supply.

A large model of the ECF micro actuator
C-RE-type micro motor is driven by ECF-jets from electrodes pairs
ECF Micro Finger   The principle of a ECF micro manipulator driven by ECF-jets from electrodes pairs
Research Activities
(1) Ryutaroh Abe, Shinichi Yokota and Kazuya Edamura: A Micro Actuator Using ECF-Jet with Needle-type Electrode, Proc. of FLUCOME03, Sorrent, Italy, CD-rom, (2003)
(2) Shinichi YOKOTA, Ryutaro Abe, Kenjiroh TAKEMURA, Kazuya. Edamura : A Micro Finger using Electro-conjugate Fluid - Concept and Performance of Large Model -, ICMT06, Mexicocity CD-rom, (2006) Best Research Paper Award
(3) R. Abe, K.Takemura, S. Yokota, K.Edamura : Concept of a Micro Finger using Electro-conjugate Fluid and Fabrication of a Large Model Prototype, the Journal of Sensors and Actuators, A Vol. A-136, issue2, pp.629/637, (2007)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory