ECF マイクロアクチュエータ

Micro Artificial Muscle using ECF-jet

A ECF-jet driven Artificial Muscle cell
ECF-jet driven Artificial Muscle cell is contracted in the axial direction due to inner pressure increase

Micro Artificial Muscle cell using Electro-conjugate Fluids (ECF) jets are proposed and developed. The ECF is a kind of dielectric fluids and produces jet flow from rod-type or needle-type electrodes in an applied static electric field. The ECFjet from an electrodes pair unit is converted to Pressure in a flexible tube. The micro artificial muscle cell is contracted in the axial direction due to increase of the inner pressure. Artificial muscle can be realized by integrating and connecting the cells paralell and in series.

ECF-jet driven Artificial Muscle
A ECF-jet driven Artificial Muscle with Parallel-Series 4 cells
Research Activities
(1) Kenjiroh TAKEMURA, Shinichi YOKOTA and Kazuya Edamura: Development of a Micro Artificial Muscle Actuator using Electro-Conjugate Fluid(ECF), Proc. of ICMT2004, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.221/226, (2004)
(2) Kenjiroh TAKEMURA, Shinichi YOKOTA and Kazuya Edamura: Development of a Micro Artificial Muscle Actuator using Electro-Conjugate Fluid(ECF), Proc. of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), Barcelona, pp.534/539, (2005)
(3) Kenjiro Takemura, Shinichi Yokota and Kazuya Edamura: Driving Performance and Control of a Micro Artificial Muscle Cell using Electro-Conjugate Fluid, Journal of Sensors and Actuators A, Vol.A-133, No.2, pp493/499, (2007)


Yoshida-Kim Laboratory